
Orgin URL:    published February 15, 2021

Kids are going without dental care during the pandemic - 疫情之下,兒童缺乏口腔保健

Since the pandemic began, 40% of parents have avoided seeking care at all, citing concerns about infection, office closures and cost.
That's not good, said pediatric dentist and American Dental Association spokesperson Dr. Jonathan Shenkin. "Delays in preventative care could result in kids developing more tooth decay," he said. "The problem with tooth decay is that when it starts in childhood, it's really the strongest indicator of risk into adulthood."
美國牙醫學會發言人Dr. Jonathan Shenkin表示該情況不樂觀。「拖延預防保健可能造成兒童有更多蛀牙」Dr. Jonathan Shenkin也說「蛀牙的麻煩在於,小時候的蛀牙狀況會是成年後的風險指標。」
Despite fears about transmission of Covid-19 in dental offices, Shenkin said infection control measures have proved effective in protecting patients and staff.
儘管新冠肺炎恐由牙科診所擴散,Dr. Jonathan Shenkin說已證實感染控制準則能夠有效保護病患與醫療人員。
While dentists are designated as very high risk for Covid-19 exposure by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration, actual infection rates among dentists have remained low, found a November study published in The Journal of the American Dental Association.
即使牙醫工作被美國職業安全衛生署列為新冠肺炎的高風險族群,而根據美國牙醫學會雜誌中November Study 發現牙醫實際的感染率仍低。
That means parents can book pediatric dental appointments with confidence, Shenkin said. Many who do seek care, however, face delays. Of those parents who tried to book pediatric dental care since the pandemic, nearly a quarter reported longer than usual wait times, the C.S. Mott survey reported.
Dr. Jonathan Shenkin說「這也就表示家長們可以放心的預約看診」。但也有些確實求助保健的人,卻面臨延宕;據C.S. Mott 兒童醫院的報告,其中有四分之一的家長們回應在疫情期間預約了兒童牙科,候診時間比平常還要久。
Some parents were unable to get their kids in to see the dentist at all. Among families with private dental insurance who sought care, 4% were unable to secure an appointment. That shoots up to 15% for families whose children rely on Medicaid coverage, who are more likely to be Black, multiracial or Latino than their counterparts with private insurance.



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