
Origin URL:     Published 29th December 2020 

Inside Europe's stunning abandoned churches _ 一窺歐洲令人驚豔的廢棄教堂  Style-Art 
Across Europe, hundreds of churches that were once filled with worship and song are now at the mercy of the elements. With religion's role declining sharply around the continent in recent decades, the most promising outcome for many of these centuries-old structures is being reincarnated as residential or commercial properties.
Hoping to capture their faded splendor before it's too late, French photographer Francis Meslet has spent almost a decade documenting abandoned churches, chapels and priories in varying states of disrepair. His stunning images show dilapidated pipe organs, overgrown cloisters, long-empty pews and sunlight pouring into naves strewn with dust and rubble.
為了在教堂的璀璨被稀釋完全之前捕捉她的美好;法國攝影師Francis Meslet紀錄著各地教堂、禮拜堂、修道院,近十年不經修復的變化。他的影像裡有斑駁的管風琴、雜草叢生的迴廊、空蕩蕩的長椅、和陽光傾倒在碎石與塵埃滿是的教堂中殿。
"I am interested in the hold of passing time on architecture -- how a building tries to survive abandonment, inclement weather and time," he said over email.
他在信裡寫道「在流逝的時光中看屹立的建築是我的興趣 -- 一幢建築物如何在棄置、嚴峻氣候和時間下努力生還。」

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